The dream of big farms

My dream since I was a kid was always to be on a big agriculture farm, so I decided to go far away from the mountains. I completed my internship in Upper Austria on a farm in the center of Vöcklabruck. The main branches of the farm are agriculture, dairy cows and direct selling of milk, flour and eggs. The farm has 40 hectares of arable land and 30 hectares of grassland. 

On the farm were a lot of animals: 35 milk cows (simmental cattle), offspring with a big bull, 100 chickens, 20 ducks and two donkeys.

The family was very friendly and it was always funny. Sometimes after work we drove swimming to the attersee. It was nonstop on my practical training, I had my own room with a bath and kitchen. 

My tasks were: feed the cows, help milking and clean the low boxes, look at the Milk vending machine and put fresh milk into it. Work on the fields: bring threshed wheat and straw from the fields, plow them and sow new grain. 

Adam Brugger – L3a


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